When and where will each hashtag challenge be announced? 

Each hashtag challenge will be announced the first week of each month on the Nat Geo Your Shot Instagram account feed and Stories.

How do I submit to the challenge? 

You must use that month’s hashtag challenge in the caption of your submitted photo or video. We will only be able to see submissions from public accounts. 

Where will my submission potentially be featured and for how long? 

Selected images and videos that meet the requirements outlined below may be featured on the Your Shot Instagram account and across other Nat Geo-owned digital media and social accounts in connection with promotion of the Your Shot challenge and/or community.

Submissions published on Nat Geo social accounts in connection with challenge will remain on the accounts indefinitely.

How many submissions can I submit per challenge? 

You may submit as many posts as you’d like. 

What ratios should be considered when submitting a photo or video? 

For optimal image quality, the ideal size for a square post:  

• 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio or 4:3.  

For optimal video quality, the ideal size for a vertical post: 

• 1080px by1920px at a 9:16 aspect ratio  

If my photo or video is selected, what will I need to provide?

• Photo / video selected 

• RAW / original file 

• Caption  

• Signed Asset Release (an Asset Release will be emailed to you if your photo/video is selected)

If my submission is selected to be featured, what information must I provide in my caption?  

• Provide the location of the image or video. Be as specific as possible. 

• If the date when the image was taken meaningfully changes context, the year should be in the caption. 

• Your caption should clearly describe the content of the image (species, activity) but avoid stating what is already evident (“the sun sets over the sea”). Instead, add context or perspective for what the viewer is seeing by including your personal experience of getting the shot, getting to the place. or how a hobby, special interest, or skill relates to the image. 

• Avoid an encyclopedic “fact bomb” about a particular place or animal—have a specific angle or focus on what’s most relevant to the scene.  

• With animal shots, avoid assigning emotion or feeling to an animal or otherwise anthropomorphizing.   

• Caption should be 2 – 3 sentences maximum.  

Can I use any digital editing tools? 

No, digitally manipulated images are not acceptable.   

Images must not be altered in Photoshop or by any other means.  

Only standard color correction and retouching to eliminate dust on camera sensors and film, or scratches on scanned negatives or prints, is acceptable. 

All submitted images should represent a true and accurate depiction of life or events.