B.C. Conservative education plan would reinstate exams, end SOGI 123

B.C. Conservative education plan would reinstate exams, end SOGI 123

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The B.C. Conservatives have unveiled their education policy plans about six days before the Oct. 19 voting day.

The plan includes reinstating provincial exams for Grade 10 and 12 students, restoring letter grades from Grade 4 to 9, and ending SOGI 123.

The provincial government website says B.C.’s SOGI program was introduced to help make schools inclusive and safe for all students and includes teaching them about sexual orientation and gender identity.

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In a news release, B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad criticizes the NDP for “undermining the accountability in B.C.’s education system” and “introducing ideological programs into classrooms that distract from core learning and erode parental trust.”

The conservatives say, if elected, they also intend to restore school liaison officer programs, offer funding to parents of children with autism and offer tax credits or direct payments for parents who homeschool their children.

The news release appeared to have been removed from the B.C. Conservatives’ website shortly after it was issued, but the party said it was due to a “copy edit issue” and that it would be republished once fixed.

The NDP responded in a news release Sunday saying it is concerned Rustad’s education plans would lead to increased class sizes.

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